As the father goes, so goes his family...
According to a study done by the Barna Group, almost 80% of self-identifying Christian young adults are abandoning the Faith by their mid-twenties. That is a staggering statistic and one we as Christians should all be taking notice of.
It should cause us to stop and ask the question, "why?"
Is it because we need more churches? Better worship music? Better speakers?
No. The truth is that, as the father goes, so goes his family.
93% of families will follow the father when he takes an active role in his faith with Christ. Research further backs up this claim - showing that 60% of children stop attending church or leave altogether (even if mom still attends regularly) if the father is not actively pursuing Christ.
Dads were specifically meant by God to influence their family - to the benefit of the Church and to the world. Unfortunately, it's the other way around - the world is influencing families and Dads more.
DadInTheTrenches exists to provide you with Biblical Truth, challenge and encouragement as you do your life "in the trenches" - to spur you on to deepen your faith in Christ - and to spur you on to "love and good works" with your family.
The world needs to see true Christians living life - and it starts with us, Dad. We go first. As we go so will our families.
About your host
Aaron is a "dad in the trenches" - married for over 20 years and has 4 children.
He has spent 20+ years in the business world - working across varying industries in both small entrepreneurial and large Fortune 500 company environments.
Aaron has a passion to reawaken Christian men to their life with God and to live out their God-ordained role as leaders in their homes, at work, and in the world.
You can read a message from Aaron to you here.