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Biblical Truth, challenge, and encouragement for Christian
Dads "in the trenches" of life.

# Dad In The Trenches
Definition: a Christian father in one of the most rigorous, pressing and difficult times of his life - in his family, work, community, spiritual, and personal life.

# Fatherhood Is War
As a Christian Dad, we are each battling against the Enemy, against the pressures and temptations of an ungodly culture, against "the flesh" of our children and family members, and against our own 'flesh", baggage and wounds from upbringing.
If we're honest, we as future Dads didn't know what we were getting into with this "fatherhood gig"...but the good news is that there is a way to navigate it God's way. That's why Dad In The Trenches is here: to help you on the journey.
# Purpose Presence Progress
It's what we're called to as Dads.
We must know our purpose as Dads - what vision to give ourselves to and maintain; how to provide; and how to love well.
We must know how to be present in the life of our family - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
We must understand that we are to become the person we want our kids to be like - and that takes knowing God, healing, and humility.
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