Before anyone gets triggered, read below...
This is a commentary on what it means to "be a man" and have perspective. If you're not familiar with the story of Job, first, consider the context... Job's was just the recipient of Satan's full force of physical attack - leaving him with sores from head to toe...of which Job then scraped off with shards of pottery and was then sitting in the pile of his ashes. And this occurred after his property, possessions, and children were destroyed (Job chapter 1). His wife comes to him and says, "Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die." Of which Job then replies, "You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?" The question before us, as men, is this: "what is Job inferring in his response to his wife?" Let's leave the whole "why does God allow good and evil?" debate out and rather focus on this: for us #dadinthetrenches as men, how are we to respond when bad things happen? Job’s cluing us in. Do we so quickly lose faith, trust, and hope? Do we "lose our religion", so to speak ("curse God and die.")? I've been wrestling with these verses a lot over the last two to three years as our family has had its share of health struggles, and I've come to this conclusion: As a man, I must hold fast to God in spite of circumstances - both good or bad. I may not fully understand the struggles (or the victories), but because He is God, I can trust Him. And, as one who maintains vision and direction for my family, as a God ordained head of my household, it is my role to hold fast to God and show my family how to hold fast to God amidst the storms (and sunny days) of life. For your consideration...